Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway

Monday, October 29, 2012

CBS News: Bulletin- JFK Assassination Coverage: 11/22/1963

Source:Britanica- with a Chicago Tribune article about the JFK assassination.

"Assassination of John F. Kennedy, mortal shooting of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, as he rode in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. His accused killer was Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine who had embraced Marxism and defected for a time to the Soviet Union. Oswald never stood trial for murder, because, while being transferred after having been taken into custody, he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby, a distraught Dallas nightclub owner."  

From Britannica 

"This video footage from the late morning - early afternoon of Nov. 22nd 1963 was taped live from CBS. As is often the case with such events, the initial reports prove to be the most accurate... 
Source:CBS News- longtime anchor Walter Cronkite, about to announce the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

CBS News had just gotten the word from either one of their correspondents that President John F. Kennedy had died from bullet wounds that he received from the assassin that shot him in Dallas, Texas, on this horrible November day in 1963. And their number one news anchor and the number one news anchor Walter Cronkite was about to announce it and was emotional in doing that.

Source:CBS News- longtime anchor Walter Cronkite, about to announce the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

You hate to have something like a presidential assassination, or any assassination really have to be the test of the quality of your news coverage or not. But unfortunately greatness only tends to come in times of tragedy and when you’re tested. Times of war and being under attacked, when riots are going on, a death in the family, someone being out of work like your father, or another close relative and you don’t know what the future is going to look like and you fear for it. But unfortunately that is how humans tend to operate. When we’re not tested we tend to be somewhat lax and go back to our everyday normal activities.

And I think our network coverage from CBS News, perhaps especially as they were our biggest news operation back then and NBC News and even the much smaller ABC News, they were all really tested without precedent in how you cover a tragedy like this. 

No precedent in how you cover a presidential, or any other assassination in the electronic age of broadcast news and network news. All they had is the training and resources that they had to work with when. Which was make sure their people are on the story and getting the information needed and make sure the network executives are giving you the network air time to cover the story.

The JFK assassination is not the only reason why Walter Cronkite is America’s newsman and why we haven’t seen a network news anchor as good since. But it is certainly a reason, because you really got to see how professional and great he was and had to be and couldn’t afford any mistakes. 

You also got to see his human side especially when he announced the death of President John F. Kennedy. And you got to see how hard of an announcement it was for him to make. 

Cronkite, personally knew Jack Kennedy and personally liked him. So it must have been announcing the death of one of your friends on live on national TV. With millions of people watching you and he did it as well as it could’ve been done. 

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Friday, October 26, 2012

LBU Videos: FBS 1978- Pennsylvania Nittany Lions @ Columbus Buckeyes: Highlights

Source:LBU Videos- the Nittany Lions vs the Buckeyes at Columbus, in 1978.

"Penn State 19, Ohio State 0 in a battle of top-10 teams."

From LBU Videos

I believe Pennsylvania-Columbus (as I call Penn State and Ohio State) was one of the best inter-conference rivalries, at least in the East, before the Nittany Lions joined the Big 10 in the early 1990s. 

Pennsylvania and Ohio are both border states, Philadelphia and Columbus is a short plane fight from each other, Pennsylvania borders Ohio, they're both big states in population and obviously both big states when it comes to football, they compete for the same players, they're both excellent schools academically, both blue-collar states and football programs. They have a lot in common and represent the same people, so they have a lot to compete with each other. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Slate Magazine: 'Donald Trump Rumored To Have "Bombshell" On Barack Obama'

Source:Slate Magazine- defense attorney Gloria Allred and...

"Let the last-gasp mudslinging begin. As Barack Obama and Mitt Romney gear up for their final debate, two perennial provocateurs—Donald Trump and Gloria Allred—might be sitting on revelations designed to shake up the election.

Allred's supposed "October surprise" may concern Romney and abortion, though Allred herself has refused to confirm the rumors. Talk that the celebrity women's-rights attorney was preparing a bombshell was fueled by conservative blogger Matt Drudge, who cryptically tweeted, "Here she comes. Hearing Gloria Allred out there again, about to make a move."

By contrast, Trump naturally made the claim himself that he has "very big" news about President Obama that he plans to tweet by midweek. The billionaire birther gave no hints on the substance, but told Fox & Friends, "You will cover it in a very big fashion."

As with all "October surprises," we'll believe these when we see them." 

The more that The Donald is in the news attacking President Obama and the more that the Obama Campaign can link Don Trump to Mitt Romney, the more it hurts Mitt. So as a Democrat I want The Donald in the news as much as possible attacking the President. 

Also, taking Donald Trump's word on anything (who only has his so-called reality TV show The Apprentice as something that he can say was successful) is like automatically taking the word of a used car salesman on a 1978 Ford Pinto and not even bothering to take car out for a spin before you buy it and then wondering why it breaks down on the highway the day you bought on the way home. I mean you would have to be both blind and death, and be suffering from intoxication, as well as brain damage that you don't know about, perhaps because you have brain damage. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Slate Magazine: 'Romney Boys Can't Contain Their Obama Debate Anger'

Source:Slate Magazine- meet the Romney Family.
"The exchanges weren't the only things getting heated at Tuesday night's presidential debate. Two of Mitt Romney's sons got a little hot under the collar watching their dad spar with the president.

Asked on a radio how he felt when Obama called his dad a liar, Romney's eldest son Tagg said he wanted to "rush down to the stage and take a swing at him." Tagg also took issue with the president's campaign trying "to do everything they can to turn my dad into someone he's not," which seems like a tall order considering Romney himself has a habit of shifting where he stands. 

The Romney sons' aggression didn't stop there: Tagg's brother, Josh, was seen giving the president a death stare during the debate, and that spawned a mini-meme.  Menacing maybe, but hardly enough for the Secret Service to get involved."

Not the most loving and respectful men of the presidency. The Romney Boys, they seem more like thugs working for their father. They seem to want to do what their father other than in the first presidential debate what their father couldn’t do, which is to beat up President Obama, or at least beat him somewhere. 

I mean Mitt, clearly wins the first debate and is still clearly trailing the President in the Electoral College, despite now being neck-in-neck with the President in the popular vote. Mitt, doesn’t look like a winner right now, but someone whose trying to find any place where he can win. So he’s not the Mike Dukakis of the GOP. Someone who badly loses a presidential election that he should have won.

It’s hard to hear negative facts about your father especially in a political campaign. Especially when those facts are about one’s lack of experience, knowledge, judgement, honesty, and even credibility. The Romney Sons, might know who Dad is, but the problem is their Dad won’t let the rest of the country know. Because he keeps turning into someone else depending on what office he’s running for, what year he’s running and the people he feels he needs to have supporting him. 

Mitt is Moderate Mitt in Massachusetts, he’s Religious Conservative Mitt in 2007 when he’s going for the Christian-Right in Iowa and South Carolina. And now he’s the businessman with results, even though as Governor of Massachusetts, he had a weak jobs record. And laid off a lot of people as a businessman.

Who is Mitt Romney and what do you believe in? Would be my question to him if I ever interviewed him. But I would be carrying a whole notepad of paper, or perhaps my laptop waiting for ten different answers to the same questions. As he’s telling us every different position he has on the same issue. And doing that for each issue. 

Americans are funny this way in that we like our presidential candidates to tell us who they are and what they believe with some consistency before we decide who we’re going to vote for, not after. I guess we’re just stubborn that way and don’t have much faith in coin flipping when it comes to choosing our political leaders. But we’re into finger flipping when it comes to political leaders that we don’t like. As Mitt knows all too well right now. 

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon: 'Romney & Obama Tell Jim Lehrer: "Shut The Fuck Up" (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)'

Source:The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon- Governor Mitt Romney (Republican, Massachusetts) debating President Barack Obama (Democrat, Illinois) at their debate. Or are they actors playing Governor Romney and President Obama? You make the call!

"During the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama
found common ground on a basic idea: shutting Jim Lehrer up." 

I think I get the point that The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon is trying to make here, that moderator Jim Lehrer talked too much at the debate and he should've just let Governor Romney and President Obama go at it and let the last man standing win the debate. Perhaps the Governor and President could've been supplied with boxing gloves and a ring. Or they could've made it look like a WWE or TNA debate where the points don't matter and no one ever actually gets hurt. But I think this skit is just a bad, over the top impersonation of how presidential debates look in America. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Slate Magazine: Mitt Romney- 'Binders Full of Women Meme to Take Over The World'

Source:Slate Magazine- does Mitt Romney have binders full of Hillary Clinton?
"The most substantive moments of last night's presidential debate may have been President Obama and Mitt Romney's heated exchanges over Libya and energy policy. But the Internet has its own favorite: Romney's pronouncement that he was given "binders full of women" to fill jobs in his cabinet when he was governor of Massachusetts. That came in response to a question about the glass ceiling and gender bias in pay.   

Before the debate even ended, a meme had sprouted on social media. Within minutes, a Tumblr account appeared, with crowd-sourced parody images that included Hillary Clinton, an '80s teen idol, and Beyoncé. By this morning, the Facebook community "Binders Full of Women" had more than 250,000 members.

In a debate full of curious phrasing, why did Romney's binders comment stand out? Slate's Amanda Marcotte wrote that the inelegant phrase resonated because it underlined Romney's "utter unwillingness to address the true causes of inequality." 

From Slate Magazine

Is Mitt Romney capable of getting through an appearance, debate or otherwise, without making a gaffe? Or maybe these so-called gaffes aren’t gaffes and he actually believes in this, let's say garbage and it just slipped out. Does Mitt even at this point where he’s clearly trailing in big Republican states like Florida, Virginia and Ohio (where he needs to win at least two of those states in order to win the presidency) even want to be president? Or is he writing a new book, perhaps political manual on how not to run for president if you want to win. The title of the book actually being: “Mitt Romney’s: How Not to Run For President.” Maybe he’s hoping he can get Congress even with a Democratic Senate in it, to repeal the 19th Amendment that guarantees all American women the right to vote. And with that he wouldn’t have to bother campaigning for female voters.

I imagine when it comes to life in general and in business, Mitt Romney is a tall, handsome, young-looking (for a Baby Boomer) intelligent, good man. But when it comes to politics, he must have slept in when God was handing out political brains. I haven’t seen a national politician this weak when it comes to appealing to average voters since George H.W. Bush in 1992. When he didn’t know the price of milk and his own Vice President miss spells potato. And this is probably because President Bush hadn’t been to a grocery store and bought his own groceries in over twenty-years at that point. 

If I’m a woman (and no I’m not looking for a sex change) am I supposed to feel good about Mitt Romney’s “binders full of women”? Or should I take that as a guy who probably watches too much Cinemax late at night, because he can’t sleep, because from all the coffee he drinks on the campaign trail?

As a presidential candidate, Mitt Romney is a gunslinger who always has his gun pointed at his feet and forgets turn the safety off. I don’t know how the man walks around anymore having shot off so many of his own toes. He barely beats a man who wants to take America back to 1955 in a national time machine where women weren’t supposed to work and perhaps even vote. Where gays were locked in prison cells and mental institutions, as well as closets. That being Rick Santorum of course and is now running against a President who struggles to hit fifty-percent when it comes to his own popularity. With high unemployment and weak economic growth. 

Mitt finds himself trailing in several big Republican states that he has to win, to a President who struggles to get to 50% approval. I mean is Mitt Romney really all the Republican Party has to offer for president? And is this the best they have?  

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Friday, October 12, 2012

VOA News: 'Activists Seeking to Capitalize on Occupy Protests'

Source:VOA News- a woman who was interviewed for this piece.

Source:FRS FreeState 

"As anti-Wall Street demonstrations continue in New York City, the growing furor over bank bailouts and the weak economy continues to spread throughout the United States.  In Boston, dozens of protestors were arrested for refusing to leave Dewey Park. In Washington DC, protestors were hoping to have their permit renewed to allow demonstrations to continue.  The "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations there have given a boost to several other local campaigns looking to draw national attention to their causes." 

From VOA News 

“Vijay Prashad: With the 99% slogan, the Occupy movement raises the issue of inequality in a profound way” 

Source:The Real News- New Leftists occupying New York City.

From The Real News 

"Voice of America (VOA) is an American international broadcaster funded by the United States Congress. It is the largest[1][2][3] and oldest U.S. funded international broadcaster.[4][5] VOA produces digital, TV, and radio content in 47 languages which it distributes to affiliate stations around the globe. It is primarily viewed by foreign audiences, so VOA programming has an influence on public opinion abroad regarding the United States and its people.

VOA was established in 1942,[6] and the VOA charter (Public Laws 94-350 and 103-415)[7] was signed into law in 1976 by President Gerald Ford.

VOA is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and overseen by the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), an independent agency of the U.S. government.[8] Funds are appropriated annually under the budget for embassies and consulates. In 2016, VOA broadcast an estimated 1,800 hours of radio and TV programming each week to approximately 236.6 million people worldwide with about 1,050 employees and a taxpayer-funded annual budget of US$218.5 million.[9][10]

Some commentators consider Voice of America to be a form of propaganda."  

From Wikipedia 

I believe at least a majority of the country supports these protests on Wall Street all across the political spectrum. Wall Street is not very popular with any political party right now, except for maybe the Libertarian Party and Tea Party. That's why we are seeing large protests all across the country against Wall Street and even corporate America to a certain extent. I wish these protests would reach Congress as well, (both in the House and Senate) to get them to start moving and legislating and even coming together.

Occupying Congress and the members who are bought by Wall Street, at least in too many cases, would make more sense, then to simply try to occupy buildings where a lot of investing is done. 

I mean if this was a real occupy movement (Left or Right) and this time it is certainly coming the Left (if not Far-Left) you go where the money is. (So to speak) And occupy the people who take the money from the business's and investors you are say are destroying the American middle class. I know that sounds like commonsense and what does that have to do with American politics, probably nothing, but something to think about. 

And hopefully OWS will at some point, with a 13% approval rating of Congress (and with the people who officially who approve of Congress either dead, living in Mongolia, or in a coma) there's plenty incentive for them to do that, if they have the guts to take on their political bases. 468 members of Congress (between the House and Senate) are up for reelection in 2012. 

And if 2012 is another anti-incumbent election, then a lot of members of Congress (in both parties) could be looking for new jobs after election night. Seriously, the scariest thought for any career politician, perhaps especially someone in Congress, is looking for a new job, Which is why pissed off Americans should be scaring the hell out of them right now.  But right now they are focused on Wall Street so I'll focus there. What these protesters have in common is that they are independent. Meaning they aren't Democrats or Republicans in a lot of cases. 

Not one national organization is running these protests and putting them together. But a bunch of different political organizations perhaps working together. And there's also political diversity within this movement: Socialists, Libertarians, and some Liberals are all part of this movement, perhaps even some true Conservatives, who are fed up with bailouts corporate capitalism and want to see change in our economic system.A diverse somewhat American melting pot of political philosophy. Who have found at least one issue to not try to beat the heads of people they normally don't agree with.

The political diversity in this movement is positive for them in this sense, it indicates that there's broad support for it. That there's not one political party behind it and that the country wants to see real change in our country and our economic system. But it's a problem as well, because there isn't a consensus in what change and reform should look like. 

Conservatives and libertarians would like to see government less involved with our economic system spending less and downsizing and less regulation and no more bailouts and tax less. Socialists obviously are the complete opposite of that and perhaps would like to nationalize some industries, especially banking and health care. 

Liberals would like to see reform with our entitlements, cutting the deficit and debt, infrastructure investment, tax cuts for the middle class, expand free trade. And bring our foreign troops home from Afghanistan, Iraq and other places. 

There's significant support for what Conservatives, Libertarians and Liberals want to do. Socialists have the most ambitious agenda of everyone, perhaps put together. Having a political coalition of Liberals, Libertarians, Conservatives and Socialists is not an odd couple. More like a melting pot put into a big stew, that makes people want to vomit after eating it. (Or go to jail for their food instead)

Socialists want to return America to the 1950s as far as tax policy. Tax rates starting at 25% and going up to 90% and people like socialist economist Richard Wolfe have been very upfront about that. As well as nationalizing our healthcare system, nationalizing our higher education system. With the Federal Government now paying for everyone to go to college at taxpayer expense. As well as other things. If you think America has a big government now, put Socialists in charge and this government would look like a midget that is shrinking in comparison to what they want to do.

There's potential for a movement here as being against something, but that's the easy part. The question is what do you do instead, what do you and what do you replace it with. And all of these political factions have their own agendas that they would like to see pass. 

This is not a governing coalition (more like a prison riot made up of all certain types of gangs) but more like a protest coalition similar to what the Ross Perot movement of the 1990s. So I don't see a consensus right now in what to do instead after the partnership between Wall Street and the Federal Government is broken up. 

And that can only happen with either getting private money out of Federal politics. Can't be done without a constitutional amendment, because the Supreme Court would throw it out. The only other alternative I see is full- disclosure which is very difficult to pass. Because it would require public officials to release to the public who they deal with and how much money they receive from them. Asking a career politician to release their political contributors, is like asking an obese food addict to give up eating cold turkey (including turkey) for a week straight without supervision. Good luck with that and let me know how it works out.

Until there's a movement that has broad support in not only what its against, but what they want to instead and can get elected and reelected and puts proposals on the table that becomes law, We are stuck where we are in gridlock, with a do nothing Congress with its first eye always on the next election and how to get their base to the polls and votes for them. 

But look at the bright side: when things aren't going well for you and you are in trouble, you'll always have Congress to make fun of and say: "At least I'm not as bad as those people and know how to get my work done, because I have to work for a living." 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Slate Magazine: 'Woman Raped By Roman Polanski Will Write Book'

Source:Slate Magazine- Samantha Geiner writing a book at her time with filmmaker Roman Polamski

"Samantha Geimer is tired of being pegged as Hollywood's "sex victim girl." The 47-year-old became famous in 1977 as the 13-year-old girl who was sexually assaulted by director Roman Polanski. After years of largely shunning the press, Geimer has decided to pen a book about her abuse and the lifelong ordeal that followed.

"I have been dogged by tired thinking and easy tags nearly my entire life," Geimer said on her decision to write the book, due out in fall 2013. "I know what it is like to be a woman and a victim in the realest possible way."

Polanski fled the country in 1978 when it appeared a judge would reject his plea bargain in the case, and he hasn't returned. Los Angeles prosecutors tried and failed to have him extradited from Switzerland in 2009. Geimer now lives in Hawaii and has three children." 

There might be some movie that Roman Polanski is known for making in America. But if you look at his life and career, there are really two true stories in life that will always be part of his legacy, if not the main part of his life and legacy. He's the husband of actress Sharon Tate who was murdered by the Manson Family in Los Angeles in 1969. And he's known for sexually assaulting a 13 year girl in 1977 and then fleeing the United States because the judge in that case wouldn't accept the plea bargain that his attorney worked out for him with the district attorney. That's certainly not a legacy that I would want.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Associated Press: Tim Maguire- 'Moscow Court Frees 1 of 3 Pussy Riot Members'

Source:Associated Press- one of the members of the Russia punk band (yes, there's such a thing) being freed from jail.

"A Moscow appeals court has freed one of the jailed Pussy Riot members but upheld the two-year prison sentence for the two others." 

From the Associated Press

Perhaps a lot of people in America (especially on the Far-Left and Atheist-Left) like to think and even argue that the Religious-Right is only a problem, only in existence in America. And perhaps have never heard of the Islamic Republic of Iran, or the Islamic Kingdom of Saudi, or the Russian Orthodox Church in the Russian Federation, that has a big influence of President Vladimir Putin's regime in Russia. All these other countries have at least theocratic influences over their national government's. And in Iran and Saudi Arabia case, they hav theocratic, national government's there. 

So when the Russian punk rock band Pussy Riot is arrested in Russia simply for giving a performance that is anti-religion or speaks out against the Putin Regime there, but then one of their members are released from jail, it means there's still some degree of free speech and personal freedom in Vladimir Putin's Russia. Not much, but at least there's some check left on his dictatorial power in that huge country.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

ABC News: Nightline- Bill Weir: 'Melrose Place Cast Reunion'

Source:ABC News- The cast of Melrose Place.
"Amanda, Kimberly and Billy, the stars of the hit '90s TV drama, discuss their favorite moments."

Source:ABC News

I only caught the last couple seasons of Melrose Place, because at first I thought the writing was kinda cheesy. And I’m not a big fan of soap operas to begin with, but I was flipping around one Monday night, in I believe 1997, looking for something to watch before Monday Night Football. Which at that point I watched every Monday night and I caught a little of Melrose Place and I figured what the hell, I would watch a little of this before the game.
And I couldn’t stop laughing, it was a very funny show with people constantly screwing over other people and doing it in such a casual way and the writing of it was actually pretty good.
I’m not a soap opera expert obviously, but I think a good soap opera has all the selfishness and people screwing others with very little fear about the consequences for themselves or the people they are screwing. As well as the crazy lives that only people in Hollywood could live and write into a script.
But a good soap opera has great writing, very funny writing and very funny people in it. Which is why I’m actually a late, but definite fan of General Hospital, because that show essentially has a cast for comedians or comedic actors. Who are also great actors and combine both roles very well. People who improvise and with writers who give them great lines.
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Monday, October 8, 2012

ABC News: ‘Lee Harvey Oswald Has Been Shot (1963)’

Source:The Guardian- the day that Lee Harvey Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby in Dallas, in 1963.

“James R Leavelle, the detective who was handcuffed to Lee Harvey Oswald when the killer of John F Kennedy was in turn shot dead by Jack Ruby, has died. He was 99.

Lee Harvey Oswald is shot by Jack Ruby in a corridor of Dallas police headquarters.
JFK files reveal FBI warning on Oswald and Soviets’ missile fears
Read more
Leavelle’s daughter, Karla Leavelle, confirmed her father’s death to the New York Times.

Kennedy was shot dead on 22 November 1963, as he passed through Dallas.

Reporting for the Guardian, Alistair Cooke wrote: “The motorcade was going along slowly but smoothly when three muffled shots, which the crowd first mistook for fireworks, cracked through the cheers. One hit the shoulder blade and the wrist of Governor [John] Connally [of Texas] who was taken with the president to the hospital, where his condition is serious.

“The other brought blood trickling from the temple of the sitting president. His right arm flopped from a high wave of greeting and he collapsed into the arms of Mrs Kennedy, who fell unharmed. She was heard to cry ‘Oh no’ and sat there all the way cradling his head in her lap.”

Kennedy was declared dead at Parkland Hospital.”

From The Guardian 


Source:David Von Pein- WFFA-TV News in Dallas, bringing ABC News’s coverage of Lee Harvey Oswald being transferred from Dallas city jail, to county jail in 1963.

From David Von Pein 

A crazy month November, 1963: First the President of the United States, Jack Kennedy is assassinated, the National Football League suspends its games the following week, and then the man who assassinated President Kennedy, is killed himself.

November, 1963 sort of looked like the world was coming undone and perhaps the last time that president’s were allowed to be that open and vulnerable in public. And that security was even tightened for people suspected of killing high-profile people whether they are politicians, or other celebrities.

Great books and documentaries have been made about these stories and the Federal Government thought they figured out how to deal with people who are so intent on assassinating politicians. But they let someone slip through in 1981, when John Hinkley was almost successful in murdering President Reagan, when the President was leaving a hotel at the Mayflower in Washington. All of these events have made the American presidency less public and more closed to the American people.

A lot of people, columnists like George Will and others say and believe that the 1963 JFK Assassination was the end of the 1950s. And that assassination brought in the radicalization of the 1960s. And brought in a fairly violent decade. I and others would argue that a lot of that radicalism was necessary at least as it had to do the with civil rights movement and then later the anti-Vietnam War movement.

A lot of people were simply murdered in the 1960s that no one except for perhaps the haters of those murder victims see as positive things, like President Kennedy, Dr. Martin L. King and later Senator Robert F. Kennedy.  

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