Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Real Time With Bill Maher: 'New Rule To Conservatives 'You Act Exactly Like 14 Year Old Boys'

Source:Mediate- Real Time With Bill Maher.

"If there’s one thing our society needs more of, it’s teenagers speaking out on political issues. Bill Maher, in his final New Rule of the night, pointed to two instances where conservatives went through teenage vessels to spread their message and observed that the young voices sounded much like the old ones. Maher found this somewhat discouraging for conservatives, because, as he put it, that would mean their political arguments make them sound like teenagers." 

From Mediate

"Bill Maher's New Rule To Conservatives 'You Act Exactly Like 14 Year Old Boys' Mediaite" 

Source:Jaxon Roberts- Real Time With Bill Maher.
From Jaxon Roberts

I have to say that Bill Maher makes a fair point: if you sound like teenage boys who are in the early stages of puberty and relying on those boys to advance your political party and movement, Republican Party, you have a problem. You are also sending a strange message to the rest of the country (that doesn't live in their parents basements staring at their computers and phones all day, who aren't currently confined to a mental hospital) that there's no point in growing up, because once you hit 14, that's as good as life is going to get for you. And by then you'll will have learned everything that you'll need or want to know. 

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