Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Real Time With Bill Maher: 'New Rule To Conservatives 'You Act Exactly Like 14 Year Old Boys'

Source:Mediate- Real Time With Bill Maher.

"If there’s one thing our society needs more of, it’s teenagers speaking out on political issues. Bill Maher, in his final New Rule of the night, pointed to two instances where conservatives went through teenage vessels to spread their message and observed that the young voices sounded much like the old ones. Maher found this somewhat discouraging for conservatives, because, as he put it, that would mean their political arguments make them sound like teenagers." 

From Mediate

"Bill Maher's New Rule To Conservatives 'You Act Exactly Like 14 Year Old Boys' Mediaite" 

Source:Jaxon Roberts- Real Time With Bill Maher.
From Jaxon Roberts

I have to say that Bill Maher makes a fair point: if you sound like teenage boys who are in the early stages of puberty and relying on those boys to advance your political party and movement, Republican Party, you have a problem. You are also sending a strange message to the rest of the country (that doesn't live in their parents basements staring at their computers and phones all day, who aren't currently confined to a mental hospital) that there's no point in growing up, because once you hit 14, that's as good as life is going to get for you. And by then you'll will have learned everything that you'll need or want to know. 

A&E: Biography- John Wayne Gacy

Source:A&E- documentary about serial murderer John Wayne Gacy's execution.

“John Wayne Gacy, a successful businessman from the Chicago suburbs, moonlighted as a children’s entertainer who went by the names “Pogo the Clown” and “Patches the Clown.” He was also convicted in March 1980 of murdering 33 boys and young men, making him the worst serial killer in American history at the time.

But it wasn’t just the number of victims that made Gacy’s crimes so haunting. It was the gruesome manner with which he committed the murders: luring children into his home, binding and raping them, strangling them to death and then burying them throughout his property.

For his crimes, Gacy was sentenced to death. His execution, carried out in May 1994, attracted enormous crowds.” 

From A&E 

“A&E Biography John Wayne Gacy A Monster In Disguise”

Source:Thomas Day- John Wayne Gacy's sister.

From Thomas Day 

“John Wayne Gacy, (born March 17, 1942, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.—died May 10, 1994, Statesville, Illinois), American serial killer whose murders of 33 boys and young men in the 1970s received international media attention and shocked his suburban Chicago community, where he was known for his sociability and his performance as a clown at charitable events and childrens’ parties.” 

Source:Britannica- I believe this is John W. Gacy's Chicago P.D. mugshot.

From Britannica 

This is from the original A&E Biography documentary of Chicago area serial murder John Wayne Gacy. But the video from which this photo is from is not currently available online.

Source:A&E- Terry Sullivan, prosecuted serial murderer John W. Gacy. 
With some serial murderers I think what could they have been if they didn’t enjoy murdering people and weren’t serial murderers, how much could they’ve accomplished in life, if they weren’t serial murderers, with their ability to hide who they really are. Maybe they could’ve had careers as actors or something. Take John Wayne Gacy who was both a serial murderer and a child molester, who enjoyed murdering people, but also having sex with adolescent boys, young men even. But in his public life, he was a successful small businessman who was very popular in his Illinois town and considering a career in politics.

John Gacy was being recruited to run for public office, but who was also another serial murderer who had a rough childhood. Bad father like Henry Lucas, but the difference between Gacy and Lucas, is that John Gacy was very intelligent, well-educated, and successful in his professional life. Unlike Henry Lucas who didn’t have a professional life, who wasn’t well-educated, who didn’t even finish junior high and wasn’t intelligent. Perhaps borderline retarded and was a drifter, moving from small town to small town, picking up work wherever he could find it. And at one point even living in a chicken coop.

John Gacy is responsible for murdering and raping at least twenty people. Some of them very young men, adolescents, because that’s who he was attracted who. He wasn’t a homosexual, but a bisexual, who was attracted to women and very young men. Who’s probably not missed by anyone other than his very close relatives.

John Gacy getting the death penalty is not a tragedy. One less serial murderer off the streets, one less bisexual rapist that young male inmates have to worry about dealing with in prison. But his life was tragic because this was a very intelligent and productive man, family man. Who in his public life was very productive and successful. And died in his early fifties in 1992, because of the death penalty, because of the person he was in his private life.

You take the private side out John Gacy’s personality out of him, you are talking about someone who might have been Governor of Illinois or ended up in Congress. Gacy dying the way he did wasn’t tragic, but the private life that he did live, with all the people who hurt and murdered was tragic and what he could’ve been, that he never achieved, because of the fact that he was a serial murderer is tragic. And represents someone who had he decided not be a serial murderer, perhaps could’ve had a career as an actor, because of his ability to live the lives of two people.  

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mystery Man USA: Biography- Henry Lee Lucas

Source:Mystery Man USA- Serial murderer Henry L. Lucas 
"Henry Lee Lucas (August 23, 1936 -- March 13, 2001) was an American criminal, convicted of murder in 189 cases and once listed as America's most prolific serial killer; he later recanted his confessions, despite professing information only the assailant would know and flatly stating "I'm a liar" in a letter to researcher Brad Shellady. Lucas confessed to involvement in about 600 murders, but a more widely circulated total of about 350 murders committed by Lucas is based on confessions deemed "believable" by a Texas-based Lucas Task Force, a group which was later criticized by then-Attorney General of Texas, Jim Mattox, and others for sloppy police work. Some critics believe his recantations were a tactic to brew reasonable doubt and evade execution.

Beyond his recantation, some of Lucas' confessions have been challenged as probable by a number of critics, including law enforcement and court officials. Originally being taken in on a firearms warrant, Lucas claimed to have been initially subjected to poor treatment and coercive interrogation tactics while in police custody and confessed to his crimes only to improve his living conditions. Amnesty International reported "the belief of two former state Attorneys General that Lucas was in all likelihood guilty of the crimes for which he was sentenced to death".

Lucas's death sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1998 by then-Governor George W. Bush. It was the first successful commutation of a death sentence in Texas since the re-institution of the death penalty in Texas in 1982. Lucas died in prison of natural causes. Lucas still maintains a reputation, in the mind of author Sarah L. Knox, "as one of the world's worst serial killers—even after the recanting of the majority of his confessions".

Source:Mystery Man USA

There are serial murderers that are basically pure evil, that kill people for the pleasure of it. Ted Bundy comes to mind, who by a lot of counts had a good childhood and ended up in college and by a lot of counts a very intelligent person. And not to make any excuses or to excuse their crimes, because they are responsible for what they do and should pay the price for their murders. There are serial murderers that could've been reached at some point in their lives and didn't have to end up being serial murderers or even criminals. Jeffrey Dahmer might be an example of that.

And I believe Henry Lee Lucas fits into that category, someone who was clearly not normal mentally, who lacked basic skills to be successful in life. Lack knowledge and intelligence, perhaps have a mental condition, that doesn't allow for them to look at the world, in a way that good everyday people who have consciences and would never murder people or even hurt innocent people, under normal circumstances. 

Henry Lucas had a horrible childhood, two of the worst parents you could ever imagine, a mother who was constantly abusing him. And a father who would let that abuse happen. Lucas's life was almost doomed from the beginning and didn't have much of an opportunity to be successful in life.

Had Henry Lucas had a good or even normal childhood and was raised with love and given the opportunities to be successful if life, chances are he doesn't end up being a serial murderer. And had he not been released from prison in the early 1970s, after already being in prison for murdering his mother because of prison overcrowding, Lucas wouldn't of had an opportunity to become a serial murderer, because he would've killed his mother but no one else. And would've ended up serving the rest of his life in prison for murdering his mother, that perhaps no one would've missed, but no one else.

So the State also has some responsibility here and not making sure that people like Henry Lucas end up serving the rest of their lives in prison and not even being released even for prison overcrowding. That if you are going to release anyone from prison due to prison overcrowding, its non-violent offenders, white-collar criminals, shoplifters, people like that, who haven't physically abused innocent people. 

Henry Lucas I guess was so lonely and pathetic as a person and perhaps tired of living in his own world, that he felt the need to share with others what his world looked like and needed attention and what better way for a criminal to get attention than to murder a bunch of people and claim to murder a bunch of other people, that he didn't murder. And is someone that society also has some responsibility in creating.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Associated Press: Raw Video- Mitt Romney: ‘To Small Businesses: ‘Add More Jobs’

Source:Associated Press- Governor Mitt Romney (Republican, Massachusetts) and Governor Rick Snyder (Republican, Michigan) campaigning in Michigan.

Source:FRS FreeState 

“Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney held a small business roundtable in Frankenmuth, Mich. Tuesday morning. The state is his final stop on a five-day, six-state Midwestern tour. Earlier he said he thinks Michigan is a state he can win.”  

From the Associated Press 

Telling someone to hire people, won’t create jobs. Mitt Romney and Barack Obama says it’s time to hire new employees: “Well, just because of that alone, we are going to start hiring more people right way, because they know with their vast experience in running small business’s on how best to run our business’s, then we the people who are keeping these business’s, well in business”. It doesn’t work that way. What creates jobs in either small or big business, is the need to hire new employees. It’s as simple as that.

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama waving their magic economic wands, won’t get small business’s to hire more people right now if profits are down or flat or you are worried about just staying in business. Perhaps trying to figure out how to obtain a loan, just to stay in business. You aren’t going to look for way to increase your payroll, if anything you are going to look for ways to cut payroll, to save money.

Small business’s aren’t hiring right now, because economic growth is low, job growth is also low because of weak economic growth now three years into the economic recovery from the Great Recession of 2008-09. Economic growth is low because consumer demand is low. Consumer demand is low, because people simply aren’t spending money right now.

If reading any of this makes you dizzy, I completely understand. I’m dizzy just from writing it. Americans are spending just to meet their basic needs and are struggling just to do that. One reason why it’s a bad time to pass tax hikes. Sorry Socialists, tax hikes and tax increases are not always a good thing a cure to any disease, economic or otherwise. But all these things in the economy are linked together and are holding our economy down. So the way to create jobs and get small business’s to start hiring again, is by giving them more customers. Give them more demand so they need more employees to meet the new consumer demand.

You don’t create new jobs by making small businesses jobs tougher by taking more of their money from them to feed Uncle Sam, who needs a diet anyway. The way you create more jobs, is to create more demand and need for new workers. That is how we get the economy going again. Sounds simple, now we need policies to encourage that. So first, let’s not pass tax hikes right now, the payroll tax or anything else. Consumers need that money in their pockets and for jobs to be created, they need to spend that money.

One way to do that is to create jobs for small business like with infrastructure investment, passing an infrastructure bill out of Congress in the hundreds of billions of dollars over two years. By giving construction companies more work to do, they’ll end up needing new employees to do that work, which will create more and new jobs, hiring unemployed construction workers.

Economics 101: to create new jobs, you first need to work and business to do. These people will now have some money to spend with their new jobs and would add to our consumer spending, which will lead to new consumer demand, which will lead to new economic growth, which will lead to more job growth.

All of these things are linked together and when they are all doing well, like just as little as 5-6 years ago or in the 1990s economic and job growth are high. But when they are down, our whole economy as far as consumer demand, consumer spending, economic and job growth are all down. Which is the situation right now. So to fix these problems we need to encourage people to spend money again. You don’t fix the economy with politician’s saying: “Now it’s time to hire for the good of the country!” Business’s need good reasons to hire that will help their business’s first. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

President Barack Obama: 'Happy Father's Day from First Lady Michelle Obama'

Source:President Barack Obama- spending some time with someone else's baby, but I'm quite sure it's not his.

"First Lady Michelle Obama wishes a happy Father's Day to all the dads out there and shares why President Obama is a great dad. 

Every solution the President puts forward is inspired by a desire all parents share:  the need to build a better world for his kids.

In President Obama's words:

"What I think about is what kind of world am I leaving my two little girls.  And what I realized is that life doesn't count for much unless you're willing to do your small part to leave our children, all of our children, a better world.  Even if it's difficult.  Even in the work seems great. That's our responsibility as fathers and as parents."

To start off I want to say Happy Father’s Day to all the father’s out there, especially my own big guy and to all the father’s that may read this post, like my older brother, the father of my two nieces and nephew, who I’m sure is giving their dad a great day. 

To add one not so positive note, I just wanted to add, that I was checking my daily email, to check today’s news and I only saw one article mentioning anything about Father’s Day, as if today wasn’t even a holiday or anything. I saw plenty of articles celebrating Mother’s Day last month as there should be, but Father’s Days barely mentioned at all. Like it’s some invisible holiday, not even worth mentioning, which is a shame to me, because father’s are just as important. We don’t exist as people without them, we are never born without them.

To me at least father’s are equally important. I couldn’t imagine life without my own dad, as I imagine a lot of people couldn’t and they not only deserve their own holiday but they deserve to be recognized for it as well. This is their day, their own holiday, that we celebrate, for giving us life and at least doing their part to raise us up and be there when we need them. 

I guess we all can talk about the importance of having our father’s in our life and what they mean to us and so-forth. But for me when I think of dads, especially my own, I think of the person who provides the discipline in the family and is the rock that keeps us together. My family being an excellent example of that, the guy you knew always loved you, which is why you didn’t want to piss him off.

To me mother’s and father’s, are equally important, but their roles are somewhat different. Mom, is there to provide the loving support, to make you feel better. That whatever problem you might be going through, it’s not the end of the world and we’ll get through it together. Where dad comes in and lays it all out for you, whether you want to hear it or not. Because he believes you have to hear it for your own good and then tells you how you can fix the problem. Gets on you when you mess up and embraces you when you do well. 

To describe my own dad personally: he’s a Teddy Bear, big tall guy physically, but personally as well. The Teddy is just as important as the Bear to describe my dad. Very sweet loving guy, who could crack your ribs with a hug, that’s how much love he can put into it. But someone you don’t want to piss off.

My dad has the old tough love approach when it comes to fathering. He’ll let you know when you are doing well and when you are not and need to correct whatever behavior is the problem. My dad and I don’t have a lot in common personally and look at the world differently. Perhaps that’s because we are a couple of generations apart or something. My parents had kids late in life, but what we do have in common, like football, baseball, cars, movies to a certain extent, politics and current affairs. Even though we don’t always agree on everything, like certain aspects of health care reform, we really have in common and can talk for hours about any of these subjects. To give you an example of my dad and here’s both the Teddy and Bear side of him.

The day of my high school graduation, June 1994. I graduated at Constitution Hall in Washington, one of the advantages of Bethesda Chevy Chase High School and going to high school in the Washington area. First the Bear: I was running late for my graduation, if you know me well, that shouldn’t be much of a surprise and my dad who drove us down there, was getting on me the whole time about running late. I eventually got there on time, but it was a rush. “This is a very important day, you shouldn’t have ran late and need to be more responsible." Etc. Which is what dad was telling me, after we all graduated and received our diplomas. 

My whole class and I leave the building together and go back outside. Now here’s the Teddy part: who’s the first person I see as I’m walking down those steps, my father being the first one to greet me, reaching out and giving me a big hug for graduating and showing his love. My dad is a great guy, but don’t piss him off.  

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

MLB Productions: The 1986 New York Mets Season

Source:Mike I- The New York Mets are 1986 MLB World Series champions!

"Here's a compilation from the 1986 Mets season. The clips stop late august, I have little from there on but replace it with a year in review type local show." 

From Mike I

Looking back the 1986 New York Mets 25 years later, I don't think they look as good today, as they did back then. In the mid and late 1980s, the New York Mets looked like they were loaded offensively, excellent starting pitching, good bullpen, excellent manager in Davey Johnson and his coaching staff, deep bench, great home ballpark as far as fan atmosphere in Shea Stadium. 

Other than Gary Carter and Keith Hernandez, who are the great players from those teams, as far as what they accomplished before 1986 or after 1986? 25 years later the 1986 New York Mets had a lot of talent, but they still only have one Hall of Famer, in Gary Carter. I would argue that Keith Hernandez should be in the Hall of Fame, but he's not right now. 

I think the best way to look at the New York Mets is to say they were a team with a lot of talent and potential, but who came up short. Similar to the 1985 Chicago Bears or the 1983 Los Angeles Raiders, if these teams were more disciplined, if they were more mature, more professional, I think the Mets win at least one more World Series in the 1980s. But they were like an outdoor insane asylum: they were just too crazy and had too much fun to be able to put it together and dominate the National League and win more than they did. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Onion: Stan Kelly- 'Behind The Pen- Nanny State, Ninny State'

Source:The Onion- Big Brother is watching you (to paraphrase Sting)
“What’s wrong with a young person going to the Big Brothers to find a role model? Plenty, says Cartoonist Stan Kelly in this week’s “Behind The Pen” video.”

From The Onion

The guy narrating this video sounds like a pervert. Perhaps how Jerry Sandusky sounds in private or how some of these religious fundamentalists sound in private. The people who bash homosexuals and believe homosexuality should be outlawed.

Stan Kelly (or whoever the guy in the video is) does make a valid point of what a nanny state looks like: “Don’t bother to think for yourself and to take care of yourself, because we Nanny-Statists will do that for you. And not only that, but when you do things that are considered unhealthy, we’ll punish you for hurting yourself. So you don’t do that in the future.”

This whole nanny state episode is a self-inflicted wound that Nanny-Statists on the Far-Left have done to themselves, by trying to outlaw large soda drinks in New York. And they have their brand new hero in Mayor Mike Bloomberg, who I guess has replaced Karl Marx in leading the charge and have opened up themselves to satires like this and I referring to this video by The Onion.

Whether it’s outlawing plastic bags in Los Angeles or trying to outlaw tobacco or hate speech, because Nanny-Statists are worried about people’s feelings getting hurt, (well, people who agree with them) they add to the notion that so-called and self-described Progressives (Socialists and Neo-Communists, in actuality) want to control people’s lives for them. Because in their small world, Americans who don’t have a Northeastern or West Coast education, aren’t intelligent enough to manage their own lives, so they need some left-wing, hippie Uncle Sam to do that for them.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

The Onion: 'High Unemployment- Linked to One Man With 42,000 Jobs'

Source:The Onion- the man with too many jobs, while millions of Americans are unemployed. Well, according to The Onion.

“High Unemployment Rate Linked To One Man With 42,000 Jobs. A recent report finds that one man is selfishly working thousands of jobs while other Americans go without even one. (Aired 10/25/11)”

From The Onion  

Maybe if we didn’t have so many damn workaholics like the Jim Richmond’s of the world who work in three difference cities on the same say, doing three different jobs at once, we wouldn’t have the high unemployment that we have. Just throwing a stupid thought out there.

Source:The Daily Press- the three men along with Jim Richmond who are responsible for the high unemployment in America?

No wonder we have so much unemployment in this country. Jim Smith lets call him (for lack of a last name) has 42K jobs. You know to be honest with you, I have a hard time believing that one person could manage 42K jobs. I mean he would have to be Superman on steroids. A man with 14-21 thousand clones to pull this off, even making Mitt Romney jealous of all the clones he has. Perhaps Jim borrowed some of his clones from Mitt. He would have to be the worst workaholic imaginable. Someone who never sleeps, perhaps always on caffeine picking up a caffeine addiction while working at Starbucks and running another Starbucks.

Jim Smith with that caffeine addiction, to be able to fly planes on the weekend, while he’s air traffic controlling other planes in another city, at the same time. Flying from New York to St. Louis, while landing planes in Miami. His kids probably don’t remember the last time they’ve seen him. His wife or several of his wives (perhaps he’s Mormon) and ladies he’s met on 2000 of his jobs, have already filed missing person reports. But the problem that police have, no not that they ran out of coffee and doughnuts, Jim gave them a new supply, while working at Dunkin Doughnuts. The problem that police have is that they don’t know which Jim Smith to look for.

How do you track someone down with 42K jobs? Not only that, but how do you track down someone with 42K jobs named Jim Smith? You look up that name in a phonebook and you see 1K guys with that name and then maybe you say: “Well, how many guys named Jim Smith with 42K jobs?” Well, only one if any, but I’m skeptical that one guy could have all of those jobs. I know what you are thinking to be skeptical of that there is a guy with 42K jobs, would be like trying to believe that Mitt Romney is unemployed, or Barack Obama is a Socialist or Santa Clause doesn’t really exist.

Well, call me crazy then, but I don’t believe it to begin with. I have this weird suspicion that this story was made up by Onion News and I know what you are thinking. That Onion News reports more facts than Fox News. Well thats true, but if Mitt Romney is unemployed, then anything is possible. I mean who says that President Obama’s economic policies aren’t working: 42K jobs were created for one man alone.

With that type of job growth, we can create so many jobs, that we won’t have enough unemployed workers and then we won’t need as big as a safety net. Which of course would drive so-called Progressives (hyper active Socialists, really ) crazy to the point where they would come up with policies to layoff more workers, but wouldn’t that be a nice problem to have. 

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

NFL Films: NFL 1967- NFL Championship- Dallas Cowboys @ Green Bay Packers: Ice Bowl


Source:Pro Football Hall of Fame- the Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers for the 1967 NFL Championship.

“Pro football fans in Green Bay, Wisconsin have always been recognized as a loyal and hearty bunch. But one wouldn’t have faulted even the most loyal “Packer Backer” if he’d decided not to attend the 1967 NFL Championship game between the Packers and Dallas Cowboys. Played at Lambeau Field on December 31, the temperature at game time registered a frigid 13 degrees below zero. Nonetheless, more than 50,000 parka-clad fans braved the elements that New Year’s Eve and watched in awe as the Packers claimed their third consecutive NFL title, with a 21-17 victory.

From the start, Green Bay fans felt their team had a distinct advantage over the warm-weather Cowboys, After all, the Packers lived and practiced in the cold Wisconsin climate. Green Bay’s early 14-0 lead probably convinced fans that they were right. However, the severe weather affected the Packers too. Dallas scored a touchdown and a field goal after two Packer fumbles and added a second touchdown in the fourth quarter. Suddenly, with 4:50 left in the game the Packers were behind, 17-14.

The Packers literally and figuratively “kept their cool.” Behind the leadership of future Hall of Fame quarterback Bart Starr, they marched down field. With sixteen seconds remaining and the temperature down to eighteen below zero, the Packers found themselves about two feet away from victory. Starr called time out. The field was like a sheet of ice. The two previous running plays had gone nowhere. With no time outs left, a running play seemed totally out of the question. A completed pass surely would win it. Even an incomplete pass would at least stop the clock so the Packers could set up a field goal to tie the game and send it into overtime. After consulting with Packers coach Vince Lombardi, Starr returned to the huddle.”

From the Pro Football Hall of Fame

“I think this is as close as you can get to the full game.”

Source:Virgil Moody- the Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers for the 1967 NFL Championship.

From Virgil Moody

When I think of great football games, I don’t think of great shootouts, like the New York Jets beating the Miami Dolphins back in 1986, something like 52-49, the shootout of shootouts with quarterbacks Dan Marino and Ken O’Brien trading touchdown passes. Good game, entertaining game, of course, but not one of the best games of all-time.

No, a great game is generally not played by two teams that can’t stop each other, where the team that has the ball last, wins or can’t score against each other. And it’s generally a mistake rather than a great play that decides the game.

Great games are generally played between two great teams, where both teams have good or great offenses and defenses. And the team that wins, is the team that executes or prepares better and perhaps gets a few more breaks. Thats what the 1967 NFL Championship, better known as the Ice Bowl represents. Two very good teams on both sides of the ball, both playing a great game. I mean think about it, the 1967 NFL Championship played in Green Bay, Wisconsin, not Milwaukee, but Green Bay.

Take football and freezing weather away from Green Bay, nobody outside of the country has ever heard of Green Bay. Actually, take the Packers out of Green Bay, nobody outside of Green Bay has ever heard of Green Bay. But they have the Packers and they have Lambeau Field, the New York Yankees of the NFL and most famous and best stadium in the NFL. There’s nothing that better represents the NFL than the Packers and Lambeau Field, with all of its Hall of Famers and championships.

The Packers won the first two Super Bowls, so there was no better place to be, to play this game and weather was part of it. The ultimate of football weather, zero degrees at halftime, windchill probably -20, a skating rink for a football field. Playing a very good and up-incoming team, from the biggest city or 2nd biggest city in the South, the Dallas Cowboys.

What made the Ice Bowl great, we’re the great players who played in, the Hall of Famers and Pro Bowlers who played for both teams. QB Don Meredith, WR Bob Hayes, DT Bob Lilly for the Cowboys. QB Bart Starr, OT Forrest Gregg, OG Jerry Kramer, DE Willy Davis and others for the Packers. I mean these teams had to be this great, just to show up to play this game and represent why this is the best bad weather football game of all time. 

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

FYI: 'The World's Most Notorious Serial Killer- Ted Bundy'

Source:FYI- I believe this is the F.B.I. most wanted photo of serial murderer Ted Bundy. 

“The World’s Most Notorious Serial Killer : Documentary on Ted Bundy (Full Documentary)”


When I think of people who would fall into the category, of what could’ve been, as far as people who could’ve been very successful in life, the ultimate underachievers, Ted Bundy would definitely be on that list. There are plenty of athletes who would make that list. Baseball players like Darryl Strawberry, who was a five-tool player, whose career was shortened due to drug addiction. Jose Canseco would be on that list as well. Not so much drug addiction, except for perhaps steroids. But someone who wasn’t very disciplined as an athlete or a person.

Football players like RB Eric Dickerson and this might be hard to believe, because he’s in the Hall of Fame. But he could’ve and perhaps should’ve gone down as the best running back of all time. Perhaps the most talented RB of all-time, but never made it to that level. And then you look at politicians, like Richard Nixon, without his paranoia, would’ve gone down as one of the best American president’s ever, especially on foreign policy. And then you can also look at serial murderers and Ted Bundy would be at the top of my list.

There are plenty of criminals and serial murderers who are pure evil, who bring nothing to the table, from a positive sense. Richard Ramirez the Night Stalker comes to mind. And then there are serial murderers who are a mix bag of good and evil. Take away the evil side and they could’ve been very productive in life. Ted Bundy would be at the top of my list.

Serial murderers like John Wayne Gacy, who when he wasn’t murdering people, was a very successful business and family man. Who was considering a career in Illinois politics and could’ve gotten elected and been successful at that. Ted Bundy went to college and was studying to become a lawyer.

Bundy was a law student and even represented himself in court, during his murder trials. Murder trials, because he’s connected to at least twenty murders that we know of and there may be more.

The evil side of Ted Bundy, was one of the worst people we’ve ever seen, one of the most successful serial murderers that we know of, as far as the amount of people he murdered and murdered all young women, most of them college students. So he could rape them, then murder them and then keep them as his possessions, so he can come back to them. Thats how he satisfied his sexual desires and is someone who had to be stopped, because he would’ve killed more. 

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Associated Press: Karen Sloan- 'Greek Far-right Man Launches TV Assault'

Source:Associated Press- covering the Greek heavyweight championship match, also known as their political debate.

"A far-right extremist Greek politician slapped a left-wing Communist party official live on TV Thursday. The incident shocked the country, with some people expressing the hope that it would cost Golden Dawn votes."

From the Associated Press

If I was living in any country and the choice for the head of state was either a Communist or Nazi, I would probably sue the election board (or whatever the election authority is called) and demand for a legitimate choice. 

The choice between a Nazi or Communist, is like tying to decide between gasoline or oil as far as what you're going to drink with dinner. It's like being asked would you like to die through electrocution or would like to be set on fire and burn to death. My choice would be neither and I would look for other options, like perhaps a stay of execution, especially if I'm innocent. That is sort of the choice that political outdoor insane asylum (also known as the Hellenic Republic of Greece) is facing right now. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Onion: 'Mitt Romney To Undergo Gender Reassignment Surgery To Better Connect With Women Voters'


Source:The Onion- Governor Mitt Romney (Republican, Massachusetts) 2012 Republican Party nominee for President and whoever he wants to be to everyone.

"Joe Biden plans to honor fallen U.S. soldiers by jumping his motorcycle over the Vietnam Memorial, Thomas the Tank Engine is a little uneasy with his broad autistic following, and a friend who said goodbye 10 minutes ago is still on Gchat. It's the week of May 21st, 2012."  

From The Onion 

Well, when you are worth $200 million, and you only pay 5% of that in Federal income taxes, you live in multiple states, have multiple political personalities, there may come a point when you need gender reassignment surgery.

Gender reassignment surgery is apparently is what the Romney Campaign is considering in trying to appeal to more voters outside of their Jim Bob Redneck and country club male base.

If there is one politician who can pull off the gender reassignment surgery during a political campaign and a presidential campaign at that, it would be Mitten Willard Romney, the man with a political clone for all political campaigns that he's involved in.  

You can also see this post at FRS FreeState, on WordPress.

The Onion: 'Week in Review'

Source:The Onion- Also in what's not in the news: the Republican Party endorsed President Barack H. Obama for reelection as President of the United States.
"Straight and gay service members are looking forward to asking and telling, scientists believe the recent heat wave may have been caused by a massive star at the center of the Solar System, and Bristol Palin reveals that her mother has had 15 abortions. It's the week of August 8th, 2011." 

From The Onion

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney announced today that he will clone himself again, to make himself look like a woman. Along with undergoing plastic surgery to make that happen, to better reconnect with female voters. But canceled those plans, after being told by Christian-Conservatives that they wouldn't vote for a woman for President. The ironic part of this, that a lot of those voters are women as well. 

In a press release from the Romney Campaign, they announced that already managing four clones, Conservative Mitt, Liberal Mitt, Moderate Mitt and Neoconservative Mitt, would be too much to handle. To go along with a Female Mitt.

Also in the news: Vice President Joe Biden  announced that Mitt Romney was more qualified to be President of the United States, then himself. But in the next sentenced announced that Mitt would make a worst President than George W. Bush. Apparently Vice President Biden forgot to take his medication. His wife Jill Biden announced that her husband is back home in bed now. And will only be allowed to leave the house, with tape wrapped around his mouth, to prevent him from speaking. 

That's your week in what didn't happen. For more information on what's not going on in the world, I suggest you become a die hard viewer of Fox News or reader of The Onion to find out how the world doesn't work.  

You can also see this post on WordPress.

You can also see this post at The Daily Review, on Blogger. 

You can also see this post at FRS FreeState, on Blogger.

Today In What Didn't Happen: This Time Not From Fox News

Source:Business Insider- if you were watching Fox News in 2012 and nothing else, you probably can't believe that Barack Obama could possibly every get reelected President in America.

"A lot of the issue comes in the way the data is presented. While most of the time the data is grounded in fact, by skewing the axes, using the wrong kind of chart, or just changing where the points should be on the graph, Fox is able to change the way that the information is interpreted.

As one example, Leek points out this pie chart. When you add up the numbers, it exceeds 100 percent, making a pie chart a poor choice...

From Business Insider

"The summer of 2013 has mirrored the summer of 2012 or 2011 in many ways, especially as it relates to the assault on women’s bodies.  Enacting countless pieces of legislation and working overtime to silence critical voices, the GOP and their faux news allies have continued their march backwards toward a retrenchment of patriarchy and misogyny.

During a recent segment on MSNBC, Dr. Salamishah Tillet spoke out about the continued war on women from the GOP. She provided an important historic context for understanding the “abortion debate” and more importantly the GOP’s assault on women... 

Source:Dr. David Leonard- yeah, I can't say I disagree.

From Dr. David Leonard 

"There is absolutely no reason why the Fox Propaganda and Lies Network should be allowed to call itself a News channel.  Even more evidence has come out today that FOX is more interested in Republican Politics than it is anything that remotely resembles journalism.

Bob Woodard dropped a little revelation on how Roger Ailes tried to recruit General Patreus as a presidential candidate in 2011.    There’s audio evidence so it’s not even a debatable story... 

Source:Sky Dancing- according to Fox News.

From Sky Dancing

The day in what didn't happen and again this time not from Fox News. 

Fox News (in French known simply as Faux News) are all on vacation this week, back in court once again to deal with lawsuits filed against them by Democrats who are suing them for libel, for being called Un-American. That lawsuit filed by the President of the United States himself, who they claimed is actually the President of the United Mexican States, after seeing President Obama in Mexico City, at an Organization of American States meeting. More details about that lawsuit as they don't come out in the future. But Fox News released a statement saying that they will be back next week, with a special report on the accuracy of birth certificates for everyone born in Hawaii since 1945. Not just Barack Obama. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Reelz: Aileen Wuornos- Angel of Death

Source:View More- a face from Hell, is how I would describe this photo of Aileen Wuornos.

"Aileen Wuornos: The Angel of Death - World's Worst Female Serial Killer (Crime Documentary)"  

From View More 

This photo is from the Reelz documentary about female serial murderer Aileen Wuornos, with an actress playing Aileen Wuornos. But the video that this photo is from is not currently available online right now.

Source:Reelz- Documentary about serial killer Eileen Wuornos. 

Aileen Wuornos is all the evidence that we need to know, that we never know for sure who is a serial murderer is and what they look like, and who and what to look for. Ted Bundy would be another example of that, who was a young charming, very intelligent, well-liked, handsome young man. Who ends up raping and killing somewhere around twenty women. We don't know exactly how many women Bundy killed, it could be more than twenty.

Aileen Wuornos fits thats description as well for the most part. Attractive, young, woman, instead of a man and the first female serial murderer we know about someone who apparently enjoyed murdering men, who seemed to do it for the pleasure of it. Who would play the role of a woman looking to have a good time and party and would get picked by her victims, men who had no idea what the hell they were getting into. The term man-hater, fits Aileen Wuornos perfectly, looking to murder men, because she hated them and would literally lead them to their death.

If anything, being, charming, attractive, young, and intelligent, are the perfect profile for any serial murderer, because they tend to be stereotyped, as large, aggressive, crazy, and scary looking. John Wayne Gacy, and Richard Ramirez fit that profile perfectly. 

John Gacy was actually a fairly intelligent and successful businessman, as well as a family man. But someone who enjoyed killing people and having sex with young boys. Richard Ramirez, really had nothing going for him and probably would've been better off as well as society been better off, had he been institutionalized his whole life and never allowed on the streets at any point of his life. But Ted Bundy and Aileen Wuornos had things going for them and both could've been very successful in life, legally without hurting anyone.

But Aileen Wuornos apparently had bad experiences with men early on in life and decided that she was going to take those bad experiences with those men out on every other man she decided to get involved with the rest of her life and actually seek men to murder and go after them. And spend the rest of her free life, tracking down men to murder them.

Friday, June 1, 2012

History: ‘The Che Guevara True Story’

Source:Hewad Patman- The Che Guevara Story.

Source:FRS FreeState

“Argentinian doctor; joined Castro in Mexico in 1954; a leader of the 1956-59 Cuban Revolution. Che served as president of Cuba’s national bank and as Cuba’s minister of industry in the period immediately following the Cuban Revolution.

Towards the end of his formal affiliation with the Cuban government, Che came to implicitly criticize Soviet bureacracy. His positions put him at odds with the party line of the Cuban CP. In 1965, Che realized that the defence of the Cuban revolution and the creation of revolutions abroad were naturally not always in sync, and this ultimately led to his resignation and his return to revolutionary work abroad.

During Che’s subsequent revolutionary campaigns, he wrote his Message to the Tricontinental (1967) in which he openly criticized the Soviet Union; claiming that the Northern hemisphere of the world, both the Soviet Union and the US, exploited the Southern hemisphere of the world. He strongly supported the Vietnamese Revolution, and urged his comrades in South America to create “many vietnams”.

In 1965 Che left Cuba to set up guerrilla forces first in the Congo and then later in Bolivia, where he was ultimately captured and killed in October 1967. Accounts of his execution have varied over the years, but many contemprary accounts indicate some degree of collaboration between Bolivia’s government troops and the United States CIA.

Guevara developed a theory of primacy of military struggle, in particular concept of guerilla foquismo. Many of Che’s theories regarding guerilla tactics are articulated in his 1961 work “Guerilla Warfare.” 

From Hewad Patman 

“From his famous motorcycle trips to his historic role in the Cuban Revolution, Argentinean revolutionary Che Guevara is profiled in a documentary produced to explore the life of the man whose visage has become an iconic symbol of hard left politics.

This man, who ordered the execution of countless human beings while in charge of the notorious La Cabaña prison in Havana, who terrorized Cuban society and who denied freedom to thousands of citizens whom he considered “deviants” or “anti-revolutionaries” can never be accepted as a hero, martyr or — the shock of it — a saint.

Its a good documentary in the fact that it brings to light other people in the revolution, and it has this kind of new way of presenting the man, with lots of hard guitar in the background to make him seem “radical” i guess. Jon Anderson the author of one of the best bio’s on him is interviewed many times, also there are interviews with American soldiers who fought in the revolution,which is very interesting to get to see them. Overall it is one of the better documentaries.”

Source:Top Documentary Films- on Che Guevara.

From Top Documentary Films  

When I think of this poster of Che Guevara, I think of it as the symbol of what hipster-leftists think of this man, as an antiestablishment, revolutionary and the symbol of what it means to be cool with the Far-Left in America. I think those folks like Che because they think he’s really cool and a badass. And perhaps don’t like him so much for his politics and perhaps aren’t even aware of his politics, but just look at him from a pop culture perspective.

Source:AB Posters- Argentine Communist revolutionary Che Guevara, who help lead and create the Communist Revolution in Cuba.

Imagine had these socialist revolutionaries in Latin America, like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were inspired by Socialists in Scandinavia, Britain, France, Germany, and others, and not being inspired by Socialists in Russia and China, where countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile and others, how well they could be doing economically today. And how much influence they would have in the world today and not just in Latin America.

Had these revolutionaries followed the Brazilian model, a social democratic republic, that’s emerging as a world Power, that’s now energy independent, instead of following Russia, China, this beautiful region, deep in natural resources, as well as people, instead of all these nations being developing nations today, maybe they look like the European Union. Maybe they are all economically independent, not dependent on foreign aid. But instead giving out foreign aid. Maybe they have a Latin Union that represents their economic and security interests in the world.

Had Latin America developed an economic system, that promotes public education, that everyone has access to, not just the wealthy, that promotes public infrastructure, healthcare, that people who can take care of themselves should be expected to do that and that the state helps the people who can’t, which is the direction that Cuba is trying to move to right now, Latin America would probably be part of the developed world today. Instead of a collection of emerging countries.

Brazil will be a developed nation, perhaps within ten years from now. Mexico could and should be, but have corruption and crime issues that are holding them back. But a lot of these other countries are really struggling. Like Central America, Venezuela, Bolivia and others.

The Brazilian model is what the rest of Latin America should look at. Which is democratic socialism, which is a large private sector, but with a public that can defend and govern the country. And also help people who fall through the cracks of capitalism. Rather than trying to design an economic system where you put all the power in the state and make the people dependent on the state for their survival.