Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Real Time With Bill Maher: 'If Jesus Ran The Republican Nomination'

Source:Mediate- Real Time With Bill Maher.

"After suggesting Republican voters were being “promiscuous” for cycling through their favorite candidates (or “flavors of the week,” as Sarah Palin might say) in the presidential race, Bill Maher wondered how a hypothetical candidacy by none other than Jesus Christ would play out in modern times.

Maher’s impetus to question the varying tastes of the GOP crowd was the latest speculation over Chris Christie and whether the New Jersey governor would enter the Republican race. Maher compared the calls for Christie to run to previous “hot” candidates like Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, until voters discovered their character flaws and moved on." 

From Mediate 

"Real Time with Bill Maher 30-09-2011
Originally from The Atheist Blog." 

Source:The Atheist Blog- Real Time With Bill Maher.

From The Atheist Blog

I sort of look at Jesus Christ and the Far-Right of the Republican Party, they way I look at Ronald Reagan and the Far-Right's relationship with him in the Republican Party: the Populist-Right of the Republican Party wants people to think that they love this men, because they want to be associated with them. Not because they actually like what these men believed in and preached or even understand them, or are even intelligent enough to understand them, because they bothered to read anything that these men ever bother wrote or said. Which I think is sort of Bill Maher's point here. 

At risk of being very insulting and politically incorrect: the so-called Christian-Right in America is not much more than a political/religious cult. There are few exceptions to this rule as far as people who actually say and live what they believe. But the political base in this movement make up their own rules and make exceptions for people who are part of their movement all the time. And don't go by the Bible or any other book, like I don't know, the U.S. Constitution. But instead have very warped interpretations of what these books say and mean. 

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