Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Real Time With Bill Maher: Secularism & Religion

Source:Fox News- Bill O'Reilly vs Bill Maher.

Source:FRS FreeState

"All copyrights belong to Fox New. No copyright infringement intended" 

From Derek Stran 

Air Date: September 20th, 2001

Panelists: Laura Innes, Dennis Prager & Peter Greenburg" 

Source:No Cow Eyes- Politically Incorrect With Bill Maher.

From Now Cow Eyes 

There are advantages and disadvantages of living in a free society like America, or living in an authoritarian state like Russia or China. The question and debate is where would most people be better off: living in a country where people have the right to be themselves and live their own lives, knowing that there going to people who hate other people simply because who they are, their race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, etc, who kill other people simply because of their hate. 

But I think most Americans (and I'm one of them) would rather live here and have that freedom, knowing that someone who has the same freedom that they do, might decide to murder a lot of people simply because they hate them.

My point is terrorism is everywhere and if anything the most free societies in the world are more prone to terrorism and other violence, simply because they don't have the same amount as security, as you would see in a police state, where the country is so secure, that the national government is even scared of it's own people. So I think the question is would rather be completely secure, except perhaps from your own government, or be fairly secure but have the freedom to live your own lives. 

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